Thursday 28 January 2016

Community Garden Project Begginings

Who else likes tackling projects that are gigantic, you have no real clue on how it will go, yet you're convinced it will all work out?! My hubby and I fit into this category of blind optimists :) 

Our church owns a several acre lot directly behind it. I remember when we all chipped in a purchased it several years ago. Happy days! Sadly, it's been lonely, and a tad unkempt for far too long.  Hubby and I want to inject some life back into it, and have an amazing space for the community to freely use as well. On our wedding day, we tracked through the bush to a clearing for photo's, though at one point, hubby had to carry me over a flimsy, makeshift bridge. I can't wait to see it when it's completed and people choose to visit and have their own amazing memories captured!

You can't start a project without a blank canvas. Earlier in the week, we got our awesome brother in law to slash and ride on mow the bulk of the initial area.

Today, hubby and I tackled mowing. 

I love mowing. However, yesterday, I started back at training. Even though my trainer went gently, muscles were used that have been a little too dormant. This morning, it hurt to go down our 14 stairs. My arms are a bit ouchy too. Perhaps I was a tad too optimistic in my assumption that I could easily mow an acre alone. 

Look below at what we started with...

A pretty field of weeds and these lovely pink flowers in the foreground. 
And trees. Lots and lots of trees.

Hubby surveying the main areas he wanted clearing.

Dense and unkempt- but not for long!

Hubby tagging me out to mow. Grateful! 
Pity the mower billowed smoke. Sorry environment and neighbours! Can only work with what you have on hand.


...and another shot. I can't wait to get stuck back into this project...after I heal a little first!

Today consisted not only of mowing, but raking up weeds, sticks, rocks and branches, throwing it all in the wheelbarrow, and dumping each load. The ride on mowing wasn't able to get too close to the ground in places, so that meant we worked quite hard doing our best to clear it out from years of neglect, fallen branches and sadly, rubbish dumping. 

With this done, and new mower blades, we are optimistic that the next run through won't be as boggy and difficult. Fingers crossed!

Hubby is contacting the council tomorrow- some environment person (I'm so tired, I can't remember what he said!)- to discuss removing several trees, including the weed trees, and those dropping branches. With permission to remove them, we can not only keep the place maintained with a lot more ease, but do some wise replacement planting of smaller, denser native trees that offer shade and attract wildlife; trees that will also help us start landscaping our new space. 

For now, however, I'm happy to sit here and type, because my fingers are the only part of me that aren't hurting. Amazing really, since they were clinging to a difficult mower for a large part of the day. One thing I did notice today- the intense exercise cured my cranky pants. Yay! I need to mow way more often I think.

What today really gave me was hope. I didn't feel stuck in my crazy lady, perimenopausal head. My brain fog didn't affect my ability to work. Just fatigued muscles did. Today brought back a sense of excitement, and a passion returning. I love challenges. I love gardening, and I certainly want to rediscover my love for others by providing them with something that will hopefully be around for their kids kids to enjoy.

Exercise is good for the soul.

So is looking beyond yourself and doing something for others.

I think I may just get through this crazy season after all :)

Talk soon, lovely readers x

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